What’s Your Retirement Planning Mindset?

Recent surveys* reveal that a large majority of so-called Baby Boomers are uncertain about their preparation for retirement. Arguably, the have it my way? generation did not all follow in their parents’ footsteps when it came to saving for the future. As well, some major bumps along the way (a housing crisis, a stock market […]

Government Benefits Can Boost Retirement Income

In a 2010 report to the Minister of Finance, it was found that approximately 160,000 Canadian seniors were not aware of the full range of benefits they were entitled to in their retirement years. In fact, nearly $1 billion in retirement benefits from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed […]

TFSAs: Flexible Wealth Building Strategy

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) was introduced in the February 2008 Federal Budget and became available January 1, 2009. It is touted by the Government of Canada as ‘the single most important personal savings vehicle since the introduction of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).’ The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) draws a distinction between an […]

RDSP offers a bonus

Starting in 2011, the registered disabled savings plan (RDSP), which is open to Canadians who qualify for the disability tax credit, offers a tremendous bonus to those who are eligible. The RDSP is a savings plan that you contribute to after-tax, with earnings and growth accumulating tax-deferred. The maximum amount that you can invest is […]

Estimating Retirement Expenses

By far one of the most crucial financial strategy steps is accurately estimating retirement expenses. Correctly accounting for retirement living expenses is critical to ensuring that retirees do not outlive their money. For those already retired, there are usually few good options for creating new income sources later in life. Getting retirement spending projections correct […]

Planning Ahead Eases Worries when Facing a Tax Audit

A letter arrives from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You are being audited. Panic ensues as you wonder what you did wrong and why the CRA is targeting you. ‘There must be bigger fish to fry,’ you might say to yourself. The first thing you need to do is relax and take a few deep breaths. […]

Maximizing Your Retirement

Bob and Lisa are wondering just how their retirement will turn out. After all that’s happened over the past few of years, their RRSP accounts aren’t what they used to be. Even in the best of times, the accounts weren’t as large as they could have been, at least for all their post-retirement desires. The […]

What is Insurance?

Insurance surrounds each of us every day: When you get in your car, when you come home to your residence, and while you work. Insurance is always in the background discreetly doing its job. Most of us, however, do not think about it much or realize the very important function that all types of insurance […]

Using a Trust To Avoid Probate

Estate planning is a complex topic, and there are many different facets that have to be considered. One overriding concern many people have is doing something with their assets so they reduce the amount of income tax that may be owed. This is an obvious area for expert advice. However, it is important to realize […]

Beware of these scams aimed at seniors

According to recent news reports, seniors in Canada get bilked out of as much as $300 million every year. It is estimated that as many as one in five seniors have lost money to fraudsters and most don’t report it. Even though seniors today may be mentally sharper than ever, they are still the con […]