Is a reverse mortgage the way to go?

Ralph and Louise have seen the TV commercials featuring Gordon Pape, the financial author, as the spokesman for Canadian Home Income Plan Corp. (CHIP) reverse mortgages. They were wondering if it would be a good way to go to help ease their current financial situation. A reverse mortgage is simply an advance on the value […]

Cooler heads will prevail

The newspaper headlines read: ‘Roller coaster stock markets have investors feeling queasy’ (The Globe and Mail; ‘The stock market crash: History repeating itself?’ (The Calgary Herald); ‘Uncertainty continues to pummel stock markets’ (Sudbury Star); ‘The next market boom may be a lifetime away’ (Financial Times). Interestingly enough, these headlines are from November 2002. One year […]

Great Depression 2.0?

It’s been a long and volatile quarter in the financial world. Markets are taking most investors on a wild and sometimes frightening ride, the news about corporate failures and bailouts is confusing and the economic news is almost certainly disheartening. As some in the media eagerly seek to assign blame for the current stock market […]

A great new opportunity

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) was introduced in the February 2008 Federal Budget and will be available January 1, 2009. It is touted by the Government of Canada as ‘the single most important personal savings vehicle since the introduction of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)’ in 1957. As always, there are some rules: Must […]

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit

Roger and Linda are approaching their retirement. With continuing volatility in the markets, they are concerned about what effect a market downturn in the few years leading up to or just after retirement would have on their income. They also think that GIC investments would not protect their retirement income very well from inflation. Like […]

The truth about term insurance

You may not be ready for this. Despite all you may have heard, term life insurance is not better than permanent life insurance! And whats even more confusing, permanent life insurance is not better than term life insurance! Mathematically speaking, they’re equivalent.Term insurance is cheap initially, but its premiums usually increase at regular intervals, generally […]

How to Care

Our parents raised us; we moved out, had children of our own and raised them. Then our children moved out and had children of their own to raise. It was supposed to stop there for us, but then one day we had to look after one or both of our parents. According to a 2007 […]

Managing Debt

Now that summer has officially arrived, many of us start to think about home renovations, garden projects and summer vacations. But while we often know what we want to accomplish, sometimes we are not sure where the money will come from. If you’re planning for a large expense this year, consider some of the following […]

I Don’t Want to Invest My Money Now because…

On October 30, the federal government presented a ‘mini-budget,’ which outlined a number of initiatives designed to create tax savings for Canadians. Tax cuts were the main thrust of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s announcement, which means there are a few new ways you can save your money. In case you haven’t had time to follow […]