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Estate planning can be an overwhelming process. Whether it is your own estate or you are the executor for someone else, the checklist can seem never-ending. A financial advisor can help make sure your checklist is complete before you start checking the boxes. One of those items on the checklist is probate, the legal process […]

When it comes to making financial decisions most people focus on eitheror scenarios; that is making a tactical decision that may or may not reflect a larger financial strategy or wealth accumulation context. We often see these types of isolated, one-off decision choices in media articles that pose dilemmas such as: Is it better to […]

Thinking Like the Rich

There are some things that the rich do and the way they think that makes them different from you and me. These habits contribute to their ability to build and maintain long-lasting wealth and financial independence across several generations. The first lesson is that they tend to live below their means in terms of their […]