Recent Articles

How to Care

Our parents raised us; we moved out, had children of our own and raised them. Then our children moved out and had children of their own to raise. It was supposed to stop there for us, but then one day we had to look after one or both of our parents. According to a 2007 […]

Managing Debt

Now that summer has officially arrived, many of us start to think about home renovations, garden projects and summer vacations. But while we often know what we want to accomplish, sometimes we are not sure where the money will come from. If you’re planning for a large expense this year, consider some of the following […]

On October 30, the federal government presented a ‘mini-budget,’ which outlined a number of initiatives designed to create tax savings for Canadians. Tax cuts were the main thrust of Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s announcement, which means there are a few new ways you can save your money. In case you haven’t had time to follow […]