Recent Articles

Where’s the Money?

When Dora died on August 1, 2018, most of her assets passed by Will to her adult children and were therefore subject to probate. $250,000 was in GICs and a fairly rapid transfer of this money to her heirs was expected. But that was not the case. They had to wait until March 2020 for […]

The RRSP deadline for 2021 deposits is fast approaching on March 1st. Some of the basics of the benefits of RRSPs are worth repeating, especially for Millennials and other younger, or beginner investors. The goal of building investment assets is to someday (retire) be able to sustain your desired lifestyle without having to work to […]

Being Thrifty Can Be Fun

A year ago, Faye and David decided to get smart around saving money. “We both love the idea of retirement,” says Faye. “But we could never seem to close the gap between what we earn and what it costs to run our life to increase our savings.” As the couple approached their fifties, they decided […]