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Many falsely believe they will not be victims of a critical illness like cancer, heart attack or stroke. They also believe that if they do experience a serious illness, the healthcare system will look after them. Nothing could be further from the truth. It took Darren almost 3 years and dozens of chemotherapy sessions to […]

NIRP, ZIRP and You

In his early July testimony before Congress, US Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell. Mr. Powell stated that the Fed funds rate will be reduced, given lower than expected U.S. inflation. This follows on the heels of President Trump’s demands for lower interest rates to help support the economy and more specifically the US stock market. […]

A fire breaks out in a movie theatre. You’re there with your spouse and children, as are several local merchants. Who do you save first? The butcher? The banker? The hardware store owner? Their families? Or your family and yourself? A ridiculous question. Of course you would save your family and yourself first. Then why […]