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Scott Havens has been a great friend to everyone he’s met. Friends love Scott the mechanic from Vancouver because he helps them with car troubles and just about anything with an engine that gives them problems. He’s been known to help complete strangers stuck on the side of the road. But this 35-year-old was not […]

With the year-end fast approaching, the story about Johnny Depp (and other celebrities with Estate planning woes), act as a cautionary tale for the average Canadian. Actor Johnny Depp, best-known for his roles in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, made a reported $650 million USD and finds himself broke according to news reports last […]

Graham*, like millions of other Canadians, has and uses credit cards. He often carries a balance from month to month and is concerned about making the monthly payments if he becomes disabled or gets seriously ill. Graham doesn’t want to stick his family with the balance if he dies before paying it off. The credit […]