Recent Articles

We’ve had a few weeks to make and break our New Year’s resolutions. Now is a good time to make some promises to give your finances an extra boost in 2018 and help see you better off by year-end. 1. Promise to make the biggest RRSP contribution you can. When it comes to improving both […]

Harry and Sally both earned high incomes and liked to live the good life. They leased higher end European cars, took two-week exotic vacations almost every year, and lived in a house much larger than they truly needed. To accomplish this lifestyle, they put off retirement savings. Now in their forties, Harry and Sally are […]

The Magic Number!

The conversation with clients about retirement income planning is much different from those conversations that occur over the years while they are building retirement assets using vehicles such as pensions, RRSPs, LIRA’s, TFSAs and so on. Often, their focus is on being “conservative” because their understanding from public sources suggest that this is the appropriate […]