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Get It When You Can

We’ve all read or heard about the unlucky family that is wiped out by a house fire and didn’t have any fire insurance. All too often, people mistakenly believe that it won’t happen to them. The reality is that bad things CAN happen and there is nothing that guarantees they will be immune from disaster. […]

Joint Ownership Alternatives

Joint ownership is used by millions for various reasons. When problems arise, they are usually unintentional and it can be too late to remedy them. For example: Jane wants to avoid probate with as much of her estate as possible. She also wants her daughter, Sally, to have easy access to her cash at death […]

Standard financial and tax planning advice for the past several decades for business owners has included the use of incorporation to both insulate Canadians from business risk and liability and for asset building and income cash flow planning. The validity of this tax policy is now under attack, as you have likely heard, now that […]