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Many people have no idea. Some people have a vague idea. A few people, a very few, have it all worked out. When it comes to retirement planning, many people do not take action until forced to by a mid-life event (career change, death of loved one) or by hearing about seniors running out of […]

Divorce and Your Finances

Canadian government statistics continually show that roughly half of all marriages end in divorce. If a couple is contemplating moving forward with a divorce, it is important to carefully consider how this event will affect their overall financial situation. Understanding how a divorce changes financial and estate plans can help reduce legal costs and reduce […]

RRSP Vs. TFSA: Which is Better?

With the lifetime contribution room of a TFSA now at $52,000 for most people, TFSAs are now a serious portfolio and investment planning alternative to making RRSP contributions. So which is better you ask? Well, it depends… If you are a Canadian with significant assets and savings then maximizing your TFSA makes sense as a […]