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We all know how easy it is to romanticize our retirement years. Many of us make lengthy lists of things we will do and experience in those golden years. We have little doubt about our ability to enjoy the perfect blend of leisure and excitement, which is what makes the very idea of retirement seem […]

China’s Global Impact

The August correction in the Chinese stock market led to a lot of “how terrible” news coverage and speculation as to whether or not this signaled the end of the China growth story and how it would impact the US and global economies. Calmer voices were more resolute in the midst of the chaos, proclaiming […]

Sally has been working for the same company for over twenty years. About a year ago, she was given a new group benefits booklet because her employer had switched insurance companies. Like most people, she put it aside and intended to read it when she “had the time.” Sally was just diagnosed with terminal cancer […]