Mental Health Impacts Retirement Planning Strategies

Mental Health Impacts Retirement Planning Strategies

The unfortunate truth about aging is that the human brain deteriorates as we age. While the process is vastly different depending on the individual and their health and circumstances, the rate of deterioration cannot be predicted with any level of certainty. It doesn’t cater to genetics, family history, or life habits. Sometimes clinical diagnoses like […]

Estate Planning Tips and Traps

Julia wants to make sure that her estate passes to her heirs with as little hassle and cost as possible when she dies. She knows she needs a will and decides to buy a do-it-yourself will kit. When she opened it, she soon discovered some serious shortcomings. Advertised as a ‘legal will kit,’ she learned […]

Helping Adult Children Buy A Home

With the average price of a home in Canada 1 costing roughly $530,000 in 2020 , it’s getting harder for first-time buyers to enter the market. This is likely why a growing number of parents are stepping up to help their adult children purchase a home. While it’s admirable to offer this level of support […]

Court Decision Impacts RRIF Beneficiary Designations

In December 2015, an Alberta court decision raised the need for Advisors and their clients to review their existing Beneficiary designation of RRIF accounts as well as RRSPs and life insurance in order to ensure that the Designations on file properly reflected the wishes of the current account holder. Without getting into too much depth, […]

Asset or a Liability?

Do you have a separate recreational property or a rental property? If so this may apply to you: Some years ago, Roy and Mary bought a cottage at the lake in their home province for about $50,000 and today it is worth about $750,000. Over the years, they have spent about $100,000 on improvements to […]

Estate Plans and Your Children

After spending a lifetime managing your money to ensure that you actually have something to leave to your heirs, there are some questions that might naturally spring to mind. How much should you leave them? Should you make arrangements to give it to them while you’re still alive? More importantly, will giving them a large […]

Passing it on to Your Heirs

Ralph and Mary have accumulated a nice estate, a good portion of it in cash. They want to leave it all to their children when they die, but they also want to do something for them today. Being part of the Savings Generation, they are reluctant to give large sums to their kids today, as […]

Is Probate Right for Your Estate?

Estate planning can be an overwhelming process. Whether it is your own estate or you are the executor for someone else, the checklist can seem never-ending. A financial advisor can help make sure your checklist is complete before you start checking the boxes. One of those items on the checklist is probate, the legal process […]

Added Costs of Caring for Elderly Parents

Statistics Canada reported in 2007 that most eldercare (75%) was provided by those between 45 and 64 years of age. These Canadians, often called the sandwich generation, are increasingly finding themselves spending their own savings to care for their elderly parents, while giving money to their kids for university and trying to save for themselves. […]

What if I Can’t Look After My Affairs?

Clarke owned a small business that employed three other people besides him. He had sole signing authority on his business bank account, and personally had a joint mortgage on his home with his wife, Lois. His car was registered in his name only. Clarke was generous with gifts on special occasions and holidays for his […]