Wealth Transfer Tips

Wealth transfer can be a complex process for most families but especially wealthy ones. The range of issues involved can include family values, objectives and relationships; business continuity; investment strategy and insurance, taxes and ownership structures, amongst others. At the same time questions of control, responsibility and timing are raised. Not surprisingly, most people, including […]

How NOT to Plan your Estate

Your death will create problems. There will be three types – emotional, legal and financial. You can do certain things now, while you’re alive, to reduce or increase these problems and make your heirs either love you or hate you. EMOTIONAL PROBLEMS You can increase the emotional upset after your death by leaving your affairs […]

Inflation & Your Financial Health

To truly appreciate the role that inflation plays in your ability to build assets and achieve financial freedom one has to consider the role of its dance partner: purchasing power. You can’t have one without the other! Most people spend very little time contemplating the concept of purchasing power or the role it plays in […]

Yes, Trudy, there are death taxes in Canada

Ottawa dropped Estate Taxes over forty years ago. All the provinces did away with Succession Duties by 1985. We thought that was the end of taxes arising at death. We were wrong. Ask yourself these questions: Do you have an interest in a pension plan, or an RSP? Do you own property on which you’ve […]

The Inheritance Twist

There are many Baby Boomers who are anticipating hitting the jackpot via inheritances in the coming years as a solution to their own financial planning needs. We have heard many media reports about the tidal wave of money expected to move between the generations over the next 15 years or so estimated to be upwards […]

Your Legacy Plan and Charitable Giving

Recently, a client wanted to leave all of their money to two charities through their Will. They wanted to leave a legacy to a couple of charities that were close to them and they didn’t have any close family members. Here is her situation: Age 80, $550,000 in savings (75% non-registered and TFSA), with income […]

Using a Trust To Avoid Probate

Estate planning is a complex topic, and there are many different facets that have to be considered. One overriding concern many people have is doing something with their assets so they reduce the amount of income tax that may be owed. This is an obvious area for expert advice. However, it is important to realize […]

Estate Planning Tips and Traps

Julia wants to make sure that her estate passes to her heirs with as little hassle and cost as possible when she dies. She knows she needs a will and decides to buy a do-it-yourself will kit. When she opened it, she soon discovered some serious shortcomings. Advertised as a ‘legal will kit,’ she learned […]

Passing it on to Your Heirs

Ralph and Mary have accumulated a nice estate, a good portion of it in cash. They want to leave it all to their children when they die, but they also want to do something for them today. Being part of the Savings Generation, they are reluctant to give large sums to their kids today, as […]