Talking To Your Parents While There is Still Time

Many clients in their 50’s and 60’s are increasingly worried about the finances of their aging parents. This is especially true in an era of unprecedented low interest rates. They often ask: ‘How do I talk to them about their care and their finances?’ This topic raises many sensitive family dynamics including the adult child […]

It’s One Economy

The financial planner responded by saying that if the public stock markets were going down the drain, then real estate would follow as well. Why? Well it is one economy and we are all connected at the end of the day! Shocked, the veteran of 30-years in real estate responded that he had never thought […]

So, You Got a Tax Refund

According to the Minister of National Revenue, the average tax refund is over $1,500 for the 2011 tax year. Surprisingly, many Canadians are thrilled about getting a big refund. While certain situations can lead to an unusual tax refund, far too many Canadians lend large sums of money to the government at 0% interest year […]

Strategic or Target-Based Planning

Financial success methodologies have evolved over the past 30 years with the advent of increasing computational power. Originally, planning was a simple spread-sheet based projection of your current situation, plus some assumptions, such as savings rates, tax rates, investment returns and inflation rates. This would give you an idea of what your final destination would […]

Financial Success Simplified: Introduction

The purpose of this series is to educate consumers on some simple principles that will take the mystery out of the often complex world of managing one’s financial affairs. The first distinction is to realize there are only seven variables that can be manipulated or managed in creating your financial future and wealth. They are: […]

Financial Resolutions for 2013

Give your finances a boost this new year. Here is a list of financial resolutions to help you become better off at the end of the coming twelve months: Eliminate personal debt. – Brad and Angie had fallen into the very common habit of buying lots of ‘stuff’ with their credit cards and soon were […]

Financial Plans & Divorce

History tells us about half of marriages in Canada end in divorce. Andrew and Sara are about to end theirs and are concerned about the changes that will have to be made to their financial and estate plans. Some financial and estate issues they need to consider are: Life Insurance – The first thing that […]

I Want it All and I Want it Now

The neighbors have a shiny new sport utility vehicle to tow their travel trailer. They take a two week tropical vacation every winter. Their family room is equipped with the latest large screen TV and surround sound stereo system. Many people believe this is a sign of wealth. In fact, this is usually a sign […]

These Financial Mistakes Can Cost You

Some financial decisions get made without enough thought given to the long term consequences. Here are some financial mistakes you can avoid: Mortgage amortized too long: With lenders offering 30 year amortization periods, it may look attractive to go with a smaller monthly payment to get into a larger house, but the extra interest charges […]

Beware How You Help Your Kids Financially

A recent TD Canada Trust survey found that 10% of Canadians are considering the purchase of a condominium for their adult children. This is up from 5% just a year earlier and certainly reflects drastically increasing housing costs over the past decade. Gerry and Joanne were more than happy to give their daughter a sizable […]