RRSPs, Taxes and Profitable Investing

RRSPs, Taxes and Profitable Investing

The RRSP deadline for 2021 deposits is fast approaching on March 1st. Some of the basics of the benefits of RRSPs are worth repeating, especially for Millennials and other younger, or beginner investors. The goal of building investment assets is to someday (retire) be able to sustain your desired lifestyle without having to work to […]

Being Thrifty Can Be Fun

Being Thrifty Can Be Fun

A year ago, Faye and David decided to get smart around saving money. “We both love the idea of retirement,” says Faye. “But we could never seem to close the gap between what we earn and what it costs to run our life to increase our savings.” As the couple approached their fifties, they decided […]

Time: Your Most Important Planning Tool

Time: Your Most Important Planning Tool

Time is one of those daily realities that we usually take for granted. But when it comes to building wealth and managing investments, it is tremendously important. How you view, manage, and interact with “time” could deeply impact your financial success more than any other variable that you personally control. The ability to think about […]

The 50-30-20 Rule

The 50-30-20 Rule

“At this point last January, I was determined to change my relationship with money forever,” says Daniel. This is a New Year’s resolution he shared with 69% of Canadians last year1. However, unlike most others, Daniel has been able to stick with his promise to get control of his financial life. “I’d say 100% of […]

Which Type of Investor Are You?

Which Type of Investor Are You?

Many investors are very focused on annual returns and others worry about losing money if the economy goes into a recession. The reality is that how to approach or react to different scenarios really depends on what type of investor you are. In other words, context and your financial plan are everything! The first investor […]

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise

According to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada1, good health is determined by mental, physical, and financial wellness. In other words: mind, body, and money. Physical and mental health makes sense, but what is financial wellness? Financial wellness doesn’t necessarily mean you have millions of dollars invested, although you’ve achieved an admirable goal if you […]

Financial Advice for New and Expecting Parents

Financial Advice for New and Expecting Parents

Whether you’re expecting a child, planning to have one soon or have just become a new parent, you’re about to embark on one of the most rewarding journeys that life has to offer. It’s also one of the most expensive: an average of $12,500 per year until age 18.1. That’s $225,000 per child, and it […]

A Point In Time

A Point In Time

There are moments in time when significant economic shifts occur that alter the future. One such moment occurred in late August 2019 at the close of the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium. This is an annual and exclusive central banking conference to foster open discussion about important and current policy matters. Bank of England Governor, and […]

Storyline Investing

Storyline Investing

The point of the headline is to distinguish what kind of investor you are. Do you follow storylines as described in the media headlines, or do you rely upon numbers and data to build your wealth and achieve financial independence? Warren Buffett has made this point clearly by stating that in the short term, the […]

The Power of Compound Interest

The Power of Compound Interest

“Money makes money. And the money that money makes, makes more money.”1 This quote by Benjamin Franklin is referencing the power of compound interest. Albert Einstein extolled the wealth-building virtues of compound interest as well. He is reputed as saying he considered it to be man’s greatest invention and the eighth wonder of the world.2 […]