Hype, Hope and Glory

Hype, Hope and Glory

Advisors offer clients many value-added services, in addition to investment planning, insurance and risk management planning and general financial and Estate Planning advice. This often leads to a discussion by clients of what is hot in the market and what is actively being discussed in the media and whether the client should participate in the […]

There is Risk and There is Risk

There is Risk and There is Risk

The penny finally dropped a couple of months ago during a client conversation about the risk of investing in the equity markets. The client was reluctant to commit money to the investment markets and gave me several reasons – “the markets were too high and ready to crash”, “there were safer alternatives”, “I never fully […]

How to Start An Investment Plan

How to Start An Investment Plan

Wouldn’t life be better if it was easier to get ahead? For many, there’s just too much month left over at the end of the pay cheque. After all, you’ve got a mortgage or rent and utilities to pay, food and clothes to buy, and a vehicle to operate. First, let’s understand the difference between […]

America Decides

America Decides

On November 8, 2016, Americans will elect the 45th President of the United States. Many Canadians have been vehement and passionate observers of every twist and turn of the campaign. Yet, once you strip away the nasty name calling and accusations of one kind or another by both candidates, you are left with their policy […]

Dollar Cost Averaging

Dollar Cost Averaging

Let us imagine that you have a plan to be a wise investor and use your funds to make strategic deposits into your various investment funds. You’ve heard about the investment strategy of buying any time the market is low with the plan of selling when the market turns upward. This might seem like it’s […]

Active Versus Passive Investing

Active Versus Passive Investing

There are very passionate views on both sides of the debate as to whether it is better for individual investors to use active investment managers versus using an index approach, with its main selling feature being lower fees. Let us first bear in mind why people invest in the first place, whether it is bond […]

The Story Behind ‘Sell Everything’

The media in general has a tendency to take an idea or story and run with it until the original context or point is lost in a wave of misinformation, taking a form of its own. At that point, the idea can become very dangerous to you as an individual working to build your own […]

The Predicament of Sudden Wealth

Imagine one of the following scenarios. Suppose you have suddenly come into a significant sum of money. For the interest of this example, we will imagine that it is one million dollars. This might have come to you by way of a lottery win, an estate inherited after the death of a family member, or […]

The Advice Dilemma

A constant dilemma for Advisors working with clients to help them realize their goals and dreams is striking a balance between the tyranny of immediate current events with the need to stay focused on your longer term goals. The recent Brexit vote in the U.K. is a case in point. The media created a firestorm […]

The Question That Is Rarely Asked

After speaking with many clients and potential clients over the years, a pattern emerges in the direction that the interview takes. There is often a sense of give and take with the client wanting to get certain questions answered in their mind, giving out small bits of information, but withholding the rest as if to […]