Investing Like the Rich Do

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” George Foreman. With RRSP season upon us, it might be useful to see how the wealthy invest their funds for some indication as to how they differ from average Canadians. As Baron Rothschild famously stated, “The time to buy is when there’s blood in […]

The Client Interview

There is often a sense of nervousness when you go to your first meeting with a new financial planner or advisor. How should you approach the meeting? What and how much should you tell them? What results do you expect from the meeting and from any future interactions? Generally speaking, there are two approaches that […]

China’s Global Impact

The August correction in the Chinese stock market led to a lot of “how terrible” news coverage and speculation as to whether or not this signaled the end of the China growth story and how it would impact the US and global economies. Calmer voices were more resolute in the midst of the chaos, proclaiming […]

Anatomy of a Market Correction

The origin of the recent stock market correction started earlier in the spring of this year. During the month of April, the Canadian, U.S. and many other global stock markets achieved new record highs. Instead of celebrating such a numerical milestone, many media commentators started wringing their hands in worry and expressing their fears about […]

Investing Smart During Uncertain Times

Warren Buffett has a classic rule when it comes to market volatility: “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”. Investor anxiety normally tends to rise in step with market volatility because most people are concerned about trying to pick the best time to buy or sell. For instance, making investment […]

Why Time Matters

It is not uncommon for an individual or organization, such as a charity or community tennis club, to consult a financial planner or investment advisor regarding investment returns that can be generated on some spare cash that is not needed in the immediate future. As a result, the issue of investment “time horizon” is brought […]

World Reserve Currency Regime

Canadians, like many nationalities, have a home bias when it comes to investing. The majority, if not all of their investments, such as RRSPs, real estate, mutual funds, segregated funds and businesses, are in Canada and are tied to its future economic growth. These Canadian investments could see reduced returns in the future, however, due […]

Evolution of an Investor

Sometimes during social events or other gatherings a person will approach someone in the financial services business with an opening question: “I hear you do investments. What kind of returns can I expect?”. The type of questions asked by individuals are usually a good indication of their investing experience. Newer (younger) investors are often more […]

Living Longer & Retiring Faster

Over the last one hundred years, every new generation of Canadians has enjoyed the benefit of a longer life expectancy. With dramatic improvements in health care, the human life span has never been longer. Additionally, some have set their sights on early retirement. The combination of living longer and retiring earlier creates a serious cash […]

QE Continues

Quantitative Easing, otherwise referred to in the media as ‘QE’, refers to governments printing money out of thin air in order to stimulate economic growth. The US ended their program of QE in late 2014. The impression this left with many people was that the need for economic stimulus ended. This also goes hand in […]