Will I Need Long Term Care?

In the aftermath of the US housing market bust and the ensuing financial meltdown that led to global stock market declines of 2008, people are getting back to the basics as far as their retirement planning goes. Although the stock market has recovered, many pre-retirees have lost a lot of ground in their retirement accounts […]

RRSPs & TFSAs – What’s the Difference?

Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) were introduced in 2009 and they seem to be struggling to catch on. Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), however, have been around for over fifty years and attract billions of dollars of deposits each year. If you are serious about saving for your future, it is important to know the […]

An Ideal Opportunity to Improve Your Cash Flow

With so many doom & gloom news headlines, it is refreshing to know Canadians can still get very low fixed rate mortgages. A recent Financial Post article (March 9, 2012) explains that with big banks competing strongly for new mortgage business, now is a great time for Canadians to refinance their mortgages to improve personal […]

What’s Your Retirement Planning Mindset?

Recent surveys* reveal that a large majority of so-called Baby Boomers are uncertain about their preparation for retirement. Arguably, the have it my way? generation did not all follow in their parents’ footsteps when it came to saving for the future. As well, some major bumps along the way (a housing crisis, a stock market […]

Government Benefits Can Boost Retirement Income

In a 2010 report to the Minister of Finance, it was found that approximately 160,000 Canadian seniors were not aware of the full range of benefits they were entitled to in their retirement years. In fact, nearly $1 billion in retirement benefits from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed […]

Estimating Retirement Expenses

By far one of the most crucial financial strategy steps is accurately estimating retirement expenses. Correctly accounting for retirement living expenses is critical to ensuring that retirees do not outlive their money. For those already retired, there are usually few good options for creating new income sources later in life. Getting retirement spending projections correct […]

Maximizing Your Retirement

Bob and Lisa are wondering just how their retirement will turn out. After all that’s happened over the past few of years, their RRSP accounts aren’t what they used to be. Even in the best of times, the accounts weren’t as large as they could have been, at least for all their post-retirement desires. The […]

Traveling in Retirement

One of the top retirement goals for many is travel. As many as 1.5 million so called ‘snowbirds’ travel to the Southern United States during the winter. With summer just around the corner, thoughts turn to travel within our borders, too. The Canada Safety Council states that a few simple precautions can help ensure a […]

Proposed Changes to the Canada Pension Plan

On May 25, 2009 Finance Canada announced some proposed changes to how Canada Pension Plan will work. If approved, the changes will take effect over a period of time from 2011 to 2016, so they will affect anyone planning to retire after 2010. Below is a brief summary of some of the most important changes: […]

More Overlooked RRSP Tricks

More than 65% of Canadians have made deposits to Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs). Many do so just for the tax savings, but here are some often overlooked tricks you should be aware of: RRSP loans – Those who use investment funds for their RRSPs should be well aware of the strategy of ‘buying low […]